If pillows could talk, they would say, “I love you,”
Closing the distance between any two,
Poised in their comfort to then reassure,
Supporting and caring when life’s insecure.
Pillows receive tears of joy, of sadness,
Never with judgment, just forgiving gladness.
Reliably waiting to welcome us home,
Safely ensuring we’re never alone.
Pillows give hugs when we’re feeling blessed.
We toss them about when we’re feeling stressed.
They overlook flattening deeds of neglect
And wait to be fluffed back into respect.
Pillows stand ready to join in a fight.
Playful or painful, they use all their might.
To hear and to act as our pillows explain
With thankfulness, they never complain.
As pillows’ examples shine ever hopeful,
Let’s embrace love and sacrifice noble.
Each waiting pillow drops a hint or two,
In its cushioned way, saying, “I love you.”
Any time of the year, create pillows that welcome you and those you love to feel at home. Because of their versatile natures, pillows offer relaxing softness, interesting conversation, splashes of color, moving patterns, elegant presence, or fun shapes and textures to otherwise simple, drab, or monotonous rooms.
Create some pillow talk.
Create pillows that capture the energy and timbre of celebrating love from fabrics and objects already present in your home. The ability to repurpose these materials allows your love to live on enduringly.
—a tea towel, a damask napkin, a worn-out sweater, some old blue jeans, scraps of leather, or even cloth shopping bags.
Combine these materials, incorporating unique patterns and shapes without placing limits upon your imagination. Stuff to make them cozy and comfortable. Use feathers or down, fiberfill, shredded foam, rice, beans, or even torn, discarded socks.
Random buttons, ribbons, decorative pins, brooches—embellish your pillows with any meaningful memorabilia or unique objects to add to their endearment.
Finally, place your pillows in strategic locations where you and others may continually interact with their messages of memories and love.
Create some pillow talk to unite with a more beautiful life.
Written, Created & Stylized by R. Shannon Mock & Tasse Mock
Photography by Jenny Mock
©Be the Beautiful Life All Rights Reserved